“A God-Honoring Life” w/ Dr. Adam Soderberg (Sunday Worship)
Join us for worship every Sunday morning at 10:00am! In this Sunday's sermon, Pastor Adam explains how living a God-honoring life means when we mess up, we are supposed to [...]
Join us for worship every Sunday morning at 10:00am! In this Sunday's sermon, Pastor Adam explains how living a God-honoring life means when we mess up, we are supposed to [...]
Join us for worship every Sunday morning at 10:00am! In this Sunday's sermon, Pastor Adam expresses how God’s glory is overwhelming. His mercy, grace, forgiveness, and love are available to [...]
Join us for worship every Sunday morning at 10:00am! In this Sunday's sermon, Pastor Adam asks us, "Do you have a special relationship with God?" When we do, we have [...]
Join us for worship every Sunday morning at 10:00am! You can attend and worship with us in-person here at 277 Main Street in Hartford, CT ~ OR ~ You can [...]
Welcome and thank you for joining us in Worship! We are so glad you are here! In today's sermon, Pastor Adam asks, "Did Mary and Joseph know what their son [...]
Welcome and thank you for joining us in Worship! We are so glad you are here! In today's sermon, Pastor Adam tells us about when God blessed us when Jesus [...]
Following our Palm Sunday service, we will be having our annual Easter Party & Egg Hunt, for our little "Tadpoles" in Sunday School, as well our beloved South Church family! [...]
Join us a week for our Maundy Thursday presentation of: "The Upper Room", starring your SCC family! Our event will begin at 7:00pm, and will include a recreation of The [...]
HE IS RISEN! HE IS RISEN, INDEED! Happy Easter to all! Today is a great day! In today's sermon, Pastor Adam reminds us how Mary Magdalene and others went to [...]
In today's sermon, Pastor Adam reminds us that few things in life are easy. Including, sometimes we have to fight for our faith. Will we be strong and courageous, or [...]