So, a new year has begun. We just celebrated the birth of our LORD on Christmas. Then we blew our noisemakers and watched the ball drop in Times Square on New Year’s Eve. Now, it’s down to the business of living life. This year we even get an extra day – February 29 – as it is a leap year.

This year, like the last, will certainly have its ups and downs. Days when all the stars seem to be aligned in our favor and days when it feels like nothing is going right. Interestingly enough, when coming to faith in Jesus, we are never promised a life of ease. Yes, we have been forgiven. Yes, we are blessed. Yes, we have our names now written in the book of life. Yes, we will one day be in heaven. But, no, it is not a life of rainbows and puppy dogs from here on out.

There will be days in 2024 when our faith will be tested. Days when we will wonder, “Why is this happening to me, LORD?” Days when the storms of life will be raging. When the winds are blowing in our lives, remember the disciples who were caught in their boat out on the Sea of Galilee. Due to geological features on either side of the Sea of Galilee, sudden and severe storms were a regular occurrence. Notice, after the disciples began following Jesus, that did not change. Severe storms were still a regular meteorological event, and they encountered one here in Matthew 14:24, “…a strong wind had risen, and they were fighting heavy waves.” The difference is verse 27. At about three in the morning, in the midst of this fierce storm, they saw a figure coming toward them. Walking on the water! It was Jesus and He spoke to them, “Don’t be afraid,” he said. “Take courage. I am here!”

That’s right. The storms of life aren’t gone but Jesus is now here to help us through them. If we have faith. If we trust Him. Peter, questioning if it really was Jesus, calls to Him, “Lord, if it’s really you, tell me to come to you, walking on the water.” Jesus replies, “Yes, come.” Peter has a decision to make now. Remain in the boat or step out onto the water. He steps out and to his utter astonishment begins to walk on the water. So surprised is Peter that he takes his eyes off of Jesus and looks down at the water beneath his feet. In this moment, he begins to sink and shouts out, “Save me, LORD!” Verse 31 says, “Jesus immediately reached out and grabbed him. ‘You have so little faith,’ Jesus said. ‘Why did you doubt me?’”

Yeah, this coming year will have its share of storms for us. Some will be of our own doing. Others will not. After all, even if you have been born again, the world remains broken. Remember, it wasn’t just Adam and Eve who suffered the consequences of disobedience. Romans 8:20 tells us, “…all creation was subjected to God’s curse.”

So, yes, there are still storms in life and there will be every year until Christ returns. In the meantime, if Jesus is in your life, He will always be there to reach out and save you. He will protect us from the fire as He did with Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in Daniel 3; and from the heavy waves as He does here. Jesus loves you and will do whatever He has to – to keep you from sinking. Just call out to Him, “Save me, LORD!” Have faith. Do not doubt. Trust Him and 2024 will be a blessed year for you.

*** Remember to E-mail praises and petitions to They will be lifted up every Wednesday at 4:00 pm on Facebook Live! ***