“Moldy Bread” w/ Alexander C. Thomas (Sunday Sermon)

Join us for worship every Sunday morning at 10:00am! You can attend and worship with us in-person here at 277 Main Street in Hartford, CT ~ OR ~ You can join us online, by visiting our Website, Facebook, and/or YouTube account! Click “Join Us Remotely” on our website’s landing page, to be directed to the [...]

“Krispy Kreme is Calling” w/ Dr. Adam Söderberg (Sunday Sermon)

In this Sunday's sermon, Pastor Adam reminds us that sinners sin. Thais should not come as a surprise. Resisting temptation is tough. Doing the tempting is evil. Forgiveness is also hard. Still, doing the forgiving is not optional. Join us for worship every Sunday morning at 10:00am! You can attend and worship with us in-person [...]

“Book Covers” w/ Dr. Adam Söderberg (Sunday Sermon)

In today’s sermon, Pastor Adam reminds us that We say one should not judge a book by its cover. Likewise, one should never evaluate Christianity based upon the actions of its followers. Evaluate Christianity based upon the actions of Christ. Join us for worship every Sunday morning at 10:00am! You can attend and worship with [...]

“What’s Your Story?” w/ Dr. Adam Söderberg (Sunday Sermon)

In today’s sermon, Pastor Adam reminds us that just like our DNA, the journey each of us has taken is unique. Our experiences, good and bad, are ours. When someone asks you, “So, what’s your story?” Is Jesus a part?   Join us for worship every Sunday morning at 10:00am! You can attend and worship [...]

“The Dash” w/ Dr. Adam Söderberg (Sunday Sermon)

In this Sunday's sermon, Pastor Adam tells us about Samuel delivering his farewell address. It was important to him not how he saw his legacy but how others did. When our time comes how will we be remembered? What will others say about us? What will God say? Join us for worship every Sunday morning [...]

“Street Hockey” w/ Dr. Adam Söderberg (Sunday Sermon)

In this Sunday's sermon, Pastor Adam explains how faith is a choice. Are we listening? Do we really “hear” Him? “Don’t play in the street!” How do we know if our children are listening? They don’t play in the street. How does Jesus know we are listening to Him?   Join us for worship every [...]

“Gewurztraminer” w/ Dr. Adam Söderberg (Sunday Sermon)

Pastor Adam is aware that he talks a lot about failures, mistakes… Left to our own devices we will trip, fall, get lost. It’s just how we are wired. Don’t feel bad. Welcome to the club. We are all on the island of misfit toys. However, when we stay connected to the Lord, things change. [...]

“Mark’s Dilemma” w/ Dr. Adam Söderberg (Sunday Sermon)

In this Sunday's sermon, Pastor Adam asks, "Would you like to hit the lottery? I would." However, money is not the solution to all problems. In fact, money, or rather the love of money, can destroy us literally and spiritually. Much more valuable, Solomon tells us, is wisdom.   Join us for worship every Sunday [...]

“Fainting Goats” w/ Dr. Adam Söderberg (Sunday Sermon)

In today's sermon, Pastor Adam asks, "Did tests back in school make you nervous? You studied hard and knew the information but when you sat in that classroom staring at the test paper, your mind went blank. Pressure is tough. If we were asked to share our faith, could we? Even under pressure?"   Join [...]

“Maybe I’m Amazed” w/ Dr. Adam Söderberg (Sunday Sermon)

In today's sermon, Pastor Adam reminds us that The Holy Spirit can transform anyone. All one has to do to be a child of God is confess, repent, and believe. No matter who you are or want you have done, God can and will use you for His purposes if you are willing and obedient. [...]