Due to rehearsals for "An Evening in The Upper Room", our Maundy Thursday presentation, there will be no 'Experiencing God', our bible study on April 5th. Additionally, the following week, Wednesday 4/12, there will again be no EG/bible study due to Pastor Adam's time away. We will return to our regularly scheduled program on Wednesday, 4/19 [...]

“An Evening in The Upper Room” – A Maundy Thursday Presentation

South Church invites YOU to our Maundy Thursday presentation, "An Evening in The Upper Room"! Experience the events of the Last Supper through the lens of our "South Church Players", accompanied by the gifted South Church Chamber Choir! Join us at 6:30 for greetings and fellowship; the presentation will begin promptly at 7:00pm. We hope to [...]

“The Stations of The Cross” – A Good Friday Processional

"The Stations of The Cross" is a community event aimed to recognize the stages of Jesus Christ’s journey from his condemnation to Calvary, walking together to 14 different locations across the downtown Hartford area, by partnering with several neighborhood churches.  This tradition has been rekindled in order to make public witness of our faith in the [...]


While Pastor Alex is on leave welcoming his newborn son, Wise, there will be no Southside youth group meeting. We will return to our regularly scheduled Fridays @ 6:00pm, when he returns! WHEN WE SAY "SOUTH", YOU SAY "SIDE"! "SOUTH!" "SIDE!" "SOUTH!" "SIDE!"


Unfortunately, there will again be no EG/bible study this week due to Pastor Adam's time away. We will return to our regularly scheduled program on Wednesday, 4/19 at 6pm, right here at 277 Main St! God bless you, and may you be a blessing to someone else today!

Church Council Meeting

Once a month, our Church Council meets to discuss matters focused on the operation, happenings, growth and mission of our congregation and its members. Church members are always invited to attend and witness the inner workings of our historical church and the discussions that go into that process.

New Membership Class & Baptism Discussion

If you or anyone you know is interested becoming a member of South Church, and/or is interested in learning about the story of Congregationalism, South Church and what it means to be a member here at 277 Main Street, join us for our New Membership Class in The Bryant Room. We will also discuss Biblical [...]

Mother’s Day Breakfast

On Sunday, May 14th at 8:30am, South Church will be hosting a Mother's Day Breakfast in Gray Hall, in honor of all the Mothers out there! Breakfast will be prepared and served by our very own 'Mike & Tony's Grill'! Though it is very much for the recognition and thanks to the Mother's of our [...]

“Community Outreach Packing Party” at Urban Alliance

On May 19th from 5:30pm-7:30pm, our Board of Deacons will be attending the Community Outreach Day Packing Party at Urban Alliance Inc at 62 Village Street in East Hartford! Volunteers will help prepare resource bags for Hartford Residents. Each bag contains information about community resources.   You can find more information by visiting Urban Alliance, [...]