“Like Father, Like Son” w/ Dr. Adam Söderberg (Sunday Sermon)

In today's sermon, Pastor Adam reminds us that we have more of an influence on our children than we might realize. Everything I ever needed to know I learned in kindergarten. Parents at home. Adults at church. We are examples, influencers, whether we know it or not. Whether we want to be or not.   [...]

“McJesus” w/ Dr. Adam Söderberg (Sunday Sermon)

In today's message, Pastor Adam states that every church is like a Jesus franchise. God has given us all we need to be Christ to our community. So, let’s feed our folks with the bread of life!   Join us for worship every Sunday morning at 10:00am! You can attend and worship with us in-person [...]

“Here I Am, Lord. Send Me!” w/ Dr. Adam Söderberg (Sunday Sermon)

In today's message, Pastor Adam reminds us to walk the walk, not just talk the talk! Be the change you want to see in the world. Don’t just talk. Do. Nehemiah lamented at the condition of Jerusalem, but more than that he went there to make a difference.   Join us for worship every Sunday [...]

“Here I Am, Lord. Send Me!” w/ Dr. Adam Söderberg (Sunday Sermon)

Have you ever thought about why you go to church? There is meaning and purpose as to what happens on Sunday morning. Sunday mornings are really not about us. It’s supposed to be about God.     Join us for worship every Sunday morning at 10:00am! You can attend and worship with us in-person here [...]