“Silence! I Keel You!” w/ Dr. Adam Söderberg (Sunday Sermon)

In today's sermon, Pastor Adam reminds us that there will always be those who will go to any length in order to silence Christians. It is meant to intimidate as much as muzzle. Will we remain quiet out of fear, or will we boldly speak the truth in love? Join us for worship every Sunday [...]

Memorial Service for our beloved friend, Mr. Carmen Berardino

Our beloved friend, colleague and congregant, Carmen Berardino went to be with our Lord last week. Carmen was a longtime member of South Church, a lawman, a veteran and part of our family. Though we are sad that we will no longer see Carmen here in this place, nor hear his cheerful anecdotes and humor, [...]

“Deacon’s Sunday!”

Today, while Pastor Adam is away with Miss Renee, our Board of Deacons take over! We are blessed to have a team of Deacons that care so deeply about our congregation. Special thanks to Doris, for bringing us the sermon! AMEN! Join us for worship every Sunday morning at 10:00am! You can attend and worship [...]

“Like Father, Like Son” w/ Dr. Adam Söderberg (Sunday Sermon)

In today's sermon, Pastor Adam reminds us that we have more of an influence on our children than we might realize. Everything I ever needed to know I learned in kindergarten. Parents at home. Adults at church. We are examples, influencers, whether we know it or not. Whether we want to be or not.   [...]

“McJesus” w/ Dr. Adam Söderberg (Sunday Sermon)

In today's message, Pastor Adam states that every church is like a Jesus franchise. God has given us all we need to be Christ to our community. So, let’s feed our folks with the bread of life!   Join us for worship every Sunday morning at 10:00am! You can attend and worship with us in-person [...]