One of the accusations that faced the early church in order to discredit the message was that Jesus had not yet returned as He said He would. Peter warned this would happen. He tells the persecuted believers that scoffers will come and mock the idea that the Lord will return. “They will say, ‘What happened to the promise that Jesus is coming again’” (2 Peter 3:4)? Peter goes on to explain, “…you must not forget this one thing, dear friends: A day is like a thousand years to the Lord, and a thousand years is like a day” (2 Peter 3:8). God does not own a watch. Time is simply not an issue with Him because He has an unlimited amount of it.

I have always found calendars fascinating. For instance, in the Jewish calendar we are now in the month of Mar Cheshvan. It is the only month in the Jewish calendar that has no festivals or fast days. We use the Gregorian calendar because its predecessor the Julian calendar was found to be inaccurate, only counting 365.25 days per year when the actual length was determined to be 365.242189. It may sound trivial, but this meant every year the Julian calendar was slowly becoming incorrect.

What’s the difference between the Jewish calendar and ours? Our calendar is based upon a solar year. It’s not exact. That’s why we need add an extra day to February every so often, which we call “leap year.” The Jewish calendar is based on the lunar month. Twelve lunar months usually amounts to 354 days. Eleven days short of a solar year. Therefore, an extra lunar month is added every 2 or 3 years in order for the Jewish festivals to stay in the correct season. The Jewish calendar is also dated from what is supposed to have been the Creation of the earth. Thus, today is the 12th of Cheshvan, 5785.

Whether it is the 13th of November 2024, or the 12th of Cheshvan 5785, one thing I know is Jesus is coming back. People have tried to predict when for thousands of years, but we don’t know. Jesus even said when asked about it, “…no one knows the day or hour when these things will happen, not even the angels in heaven or the Son himself. Only the Father knows” (Matthew 24:36). When He does come it will be a surprise. “When the Son of Man returns,” Jesus continues, “it will be like it was in Noah’s day. In those days before the flood, the people were enjoying banquets and parties and weddings right up to the time Noah entered his boat. People didn’t realize what was going to happen until the flood came and swept them all away. That is the way it will be when the Son of Man comes” (Matthew 24:37-39).

We simply need to be ready. Are you ready? Have you confessed your sins to God, repented, and believed in Jesus and what He did on the cross? If so, you’re all set. Whenever Jesus does return, the Bible says, “First, the Christians who have died will rise from their graves. Then, together with them, we who are still alive and remain on the earth will be caught up in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. Then we will be with the Lord forever” (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17).

Why hasn’t He come yet? Peter explained that too, “The Lord isn’t really being slow about his promise, as some people think. No, he is being patient for your sake. He does not want anyone to be destroyed, but wants everyone to repent” (2 Peter 3:9).

God is giving humanity time. Time to change. Time to confess, repent, and believe. So that when the time does come, we will be ready. If you are ready, maybe you know someone who is not. Share with them about Jesus while there is still time.


Remember you can email praise reports and prayer requests to I lift them up every Wednesday at 4:00 pm on Facebook Live.